
A global market trend: The basic need of the human being for health and quality of life


The customer as a consumer: Health and quality of life are worthwhile aims nearly of all people. To realise this requires mostly some strains. Every human being has his own images of a „healthy and worthwhile life“. With our offer of lasting health and problem solutions we offer a varied and demanding spectrum of information for the practical life help and for the health care and allow with our spectrum of high-capacity water filters an efficient transformation of tap water to healthy drinking water.


The customer as a counsellor: Help other people to health and quality of life! Recommend our water filter systems with a good conscience to friends and customers. You take no risks. All water filters deliver very healthy drinking water and are very reliable in service. In this Internet portal all important information is available and with pleasure we consult you or your customers in more questions. You need not buy products for the resale: You have no sales risk, no stock holding and preserve your liquidity. Besides, the invoicing is uncomplicated.


The order processing, goods distribution, customer's settlement, payment process and remuneration is handled centrally by us about our system.


Offer No. 1: Friendship advertisement with cash premiums (Mitmach action)


Surely you know friends and relatives in your surroundings who would enjoy with pleasure healthy and inexpensive drinking water in the highest quality. Help other persons to health and quality of life! Your "water advisor" offers innovative allround solutions all around the water consumption. A good health precaution and regular cost savings with the drinking water consumption are good reasons to recommend the "water advisorr".

Example: Friendship advertisement: Bio-cell food Alen and high-capacity drinking water filter Blue Nile

The new strategy for health and quality of life
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Offer No. 2: Activity as an independent sales representative


Sell our high-quality, but simply hand-being water filters to final consumers and commercial customers. You decide, when and how much you work and you can use for your sales activities a fundiertes information and communication system. We offer you a regular rerumeration on all product sales (monthly invoicing).-remuneration list on inquiry.  


Offer No. 3: Common events 


Our commercial concept offers enterprises, which would like to offer something special to their customers, varied cooperation possibilities as an organizer:


- common information events

- presentation of product novelties

- innovative service offer: analysis, consultation and Coaching

- experience worlds around health and cultural subjects


Offer to your customers new information and offers with which they can further improve their health and quality of life. Find new, lucrative customer groups which look for suggestions and efficient solutions to the acquisition of health and for the improvement of the life situation. A cooperation can bring varied advantages for all involved business partners. 


Offer 4: Cooperation franchise contract

We offer to our business partners a cooperation franchise contract for the marketing of our commercial model "Health and Quality of life" in a limited regional market area. We, as a licenser, provide all necessary information for the fullfillment of your contract. We grant all necessary rights of use and carry out all relevant trainings to guarantee the common business success:


- The licensee receives a simple commission-, realisation and distribution licence for defined

  commercial contents or market regions

- as well as all necessary trainings to the product offer, service offer and educational offer


The licenser is responsible centrally for the marketing and distribution strategy, so that their bases can be realized in a common line by all licensees. The licensee pays to us a unique royalty and a regular sales participation.


- Modalities to the cooperation franchise contract on inquiry


Der Wasser-Spezialist

Ralf Berges Consulting S.L.
C./ Brismar 8, Esc. 4, 3a
E- 07157 Port d' Andratx
Tel.: 0034-971674802

Fax: 0034-971674799