Basic knowlegde "Water and filter"

To the better basic understanding of the subject "waters" and their filtering we introduce first some important basic concepts of the water analysis.


1. Electric conductivity of the water


The electric conductivity is a physical size which gives the ability of a material to lead electric stream. Pure (distilled or demineralised) water has no good electric conductivity. Because relaxed ions will transport the electric stream, the conductivity rises with increasing ion concentration. Hence, sea water has a higher conductivity than fresh water.


Typical conductivity of water: The purest water: 5.5 10-6 S/m - drinking water: 0.005 - 0.05 S/m -

Sea water: 5 S/m (unity: Siemens metre)

2. Lime carbonic acid balance (Langelier index)


The lime carbonic acid balance is defined as the chemical balance between the carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) and the calcium carbonate (lime). The relative concentrations determine basically the pH factor of the water. Moreover, the buffer capacity of the water is determined by these concentrations ("alkalinity"). Under the buffer capacity of a liquid one knows the ability to take up acids or bases without that the pH factor changes. The buffer capacity is of great importance for all biological processes in waters. 


Few lime and sour waters react as a result of too low buffer effect extremely sensitively to a row of influence in the biotope. Waters rich of lime stabilise the pH factor on favorable values.


Origin: Internet portal for aquaculture technology


Water is in the lime carbonic acid balance = no water problems and lime problems (procedure principle of our water filters and lime protection devices): see stabilising factors



1.) not enough calcium carbonate (lime): sour, injurious drinking water (also corrosion danger) 2.) too many calcium carbonate (lime): massive lime problems in water taps and electrical appliances: see destabilising factors



sour water (-)                          lime carbonic acid balance (+)                              hard water (-)

3. Legionella are a type of rod-shaped bacteria in the family of the Legionellaceae.


Thermal disinfection

Legionella are killed in short time at a temperature from more than 70 °C . Hence, with the thermal disinfection the warm water heater and the whole water tap net is warmed up including the withdrawal armatures for at least three minutes on more than 71 °C. A periodical disinfection (Legionella circuit of the regulating valves, usually once per week) with full disinfection volume stream (within the circulation) with next cooling by flowing in cold water admits a sure Legionella free care of hot-water distribution systems. Indeed, he poses - according to region from 60 °C originating - to failure of lime big problems in the pipeline, depending on the used pipe material. As problematic, for example, galvanised ironworks materials turn out here.


With the thermal disinfection at homes etc. must be considered the scalding risk. The thermal disinfection grasps naturally only the hot-water net. However, Legionella can also increase massively in the cold water because in modern heated buildings the cold water can warm itself up on more than 20 °C. If architectural defects are given, in addition (too largely dimensioned conduits, transfer in care ropes with badly isolated hot-water lines or heating pipes) the cold water temperature can rise on more than 25 °C.


Information from: www.wikipedia/wiki/Legionella


Der Wasser-Spezialist

Ralf Berges Consulting S.L.
C./ Brismar 8, Esc. 4, 3a
E- 07157 Port d' Andratx
Tel.: 0034-971674802

Fax: 0034-971674799