Allround solutions for the water consumption

The information and product offer of the "water advisor" offers varied allround solutions all around the water consumption in your real estate. As a specified web page we offer you the following advantages:


Health: Drink pure, healthy drinking water from the water pipe.


The modern and unique water filter technology of high-capacity drinking water filters allows producing of the purest, healthy water in spring water quality. The heart of the water filter technology is a KDF filter patented in the USA. In contrast to conventional water filters it can release the drinking water with the help of highly pure, granular copper alloys and zinc alloys highly efficiently from all heavy metals and also microorganisms. 


Operational safety: The most modern technology gives you technical security

All duties for the water filtration are integrated in one filter system. The discontinuation of regular controlling and maintenance works as well as the not more necessary keeping of filtered water in water depots bring the whole water treatment action extremely unsusceptible to faults.


Economic efficiency: Save a lot of money with these filter systems

A good prize and achievement relation and no monthly costs by exchange filter, maintenance, electricity or dirty waters allow a quick amortisation of the purchase price compared with conventional water filters. Besides, own production of high-quality and healthy drinking water is extremely inexpensive in comparison to the purchase of mineral water in bottles.


Water decalcification: Actual limescale protection for household appliances and water installation 

Physical decalcification equipment influence lime components in the water by electric fields  in the way that lime crystals that have grown together again exist as single units. Single crystals can be removed easily away in household and bath. 


Environmental compatibility: Perform a valuable contribution to the environment protection

The water filtration and water decalcification is very environment-friendly, because no more is needed phosphatic descalcification salts as well as electricity consumption and dirty water no more incur.  


High final filter achievement: Modern water filter systems should consist of high-quality product material and be developed for a long life span. The drinking water filters fulfil these qualities and, beyond it, have an unequalled high final filter achievement.


Guide: Information and clarification work to the drinking water quality

The water advisor informs you about the most important basics and trends on the subject "Water quality and Health".



Clean and refreshing drinking water is a pleasure
Clean and refreshing drinking water is a pleasure
Pollutant-filtered water protects the immune and defensive system
Pollutant-filtered water protects the immune and defensive system

Der Wasser-Spezialist

Ralf Berges Consulting S.L.
C./ Brismar 8, Esc. 4, 3a
E- 07157 Port d' Andratx
Tel.: 0034-971674802

Fax: 0034-971674799